About Us
In Old Montreal, just south of the Financial District, sits The Farsides. Brought to you by John Edward Gumbley (Bord’Elle) and the Jegantic team, the Farsides is an edgy new take on the restaurant and bar scene. Our blend of culinary styling sets the exotic far eastern flavours of Thailand’s shores crashing into the far Western Beaches of Hawaiian cuisine. The result of this fusion is something we like to call Thaiwaiian. A sumptuous combination of authentic Thai and Hawaiian delicacies, merging familiar flavours with elevated function.
Not only do we consider the Farsides to be a unique take on cuisine, we also aim to please with a brand new re-imagining of the Tiki bar concept. Our mixology program features no less than a dozen modern interpretations of classic cocktails you would normally only expect to find on the Islands.
Stepping into the Farsides will be like walking into our version of an alleyway in Brooklyn circa 1992. Complete with brick walls as high as the eye can see, fire escapes, graffiti laced facades and believe it or not our very own hand painted basketball court. Add a touch of the exotic with jungle like overgrowth set to the beat of 80’s & 90’s hip pop and nostalgic memorabilia from the golden age of rap and what you’ll find is The Farsides. Montreal you might not know us but we know you very well.
Need a reservation? Question about our menu. Name of a song you heard while you were visiting? Our team is happy to assist with your every need.
À l'approche de la Saint-Valentin, il est temps de penser à la manière idéale de célébrer l'amour et quoi de mieux pour marquer cette occasion qu'une soirée mémorable chez Farsides? [...]
À l'occasion des fêtes de fin d'année, notre ville vibrante s'illumine, où les délices culinaires se mêlent harmonieusement à la chaleur de la communauté. Nous sommes ravis de partager avec [...]
Au cœur du Vieux-Montréal, juste au sud du dynamique quartier financier, un joyau culinaire unique nommé The Farsides a vu le jour. Fondé par John Edward Gumbley et l'équipe [...]
Préparez-vous à entrer dans un monde où les tropiques rencontrent le chic urbain. Les Farsides ne sont pas qu'un restaurant ; c'est une destination où chaque coin est digne d'Instagram, [...]
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